Thursday, 21 April 2016


P4- Technical Model
Stance, the stance of a netball player is important as this allows them to ‘hold their ground’. As a netball player you need to make sure that you are always on the balls of your feet and you are ready to dodge or turn and receive the ball, this lets the game move faster and is important as you only have a maximum of 3 seconds with the netball. You need to be able to hold your players back and make sure that they aren’t able to come around you and intercept or gain possession of the ball. Her stance is very good as she is managing to hold her ground as she is maintain a tall, strong and solid stance. I can see that this is a strength as this is exactly what she needs to do to be a successful netball player, without giving the opposition possession of the ball.
Balance, this is important for a netball player as they need to be able to remain and contain a stable posture so that they don’t do any footwork so that the other team don’t gain possession of the ball. With defenders it is important that they have balance so that when they are marking the opposition they are able to stay on their tip toes without falling into the player and causing obstruction this in turn will make it hard for the other defender, it is also important as balance links with their agility and how they need to balanced at all times just like every player are they need to be ready at all times to move and change direction, otherwise this could lead to them tripping over their own feet. Balance is important for other positions as well such as goal shooter and goal attack as they need balance in order to improve their aim when it comes to them shooting, also when they shoot sometimes they either step back or step forwards depending on where the defender is so that they are able to make a successful shot and feel more comfortable, this means that they are having to balance on one foot as if they were to use the other foot they would be called up for footwork giving the opposition possession of the ball. With the athlete I looked at she always needs to make sure that she has a good balance as this is an important aspect when she is shooting as if she had no balance this would then mess with her aim causing her to miss the shot. As I was with the athlete when she was shooting I was able to see that she had good balance as she didn't miss a single shot and managed to get them all in meaning that her aim was really good. This is a strength as it means that she'll be able to score more goals possibly result in her winning the game.
Body position, the position of your body is also important as being a defender you need to make sure that you aren’t allowing the opposition into that open space where they can receive the ball, this would mean positioning yourself just in front of them as well as working with the other defender making sure that you are blocking them out and that they don’t have easy access to the free space. As well as this all players needs to make sure that they are a meter away from the opposition when they are marking them so that they aren’t called up for footwork at any point during the game.
Looking at my athlete I can see that she has a very good body position as she is making her as tall and extended as possible which in turn means that its harder for the defender to defend the ball when it comes to her shooting. This is a strength as it means that when she is shooting the ball is less likely to be intercepted as she is attempting to make herself taller than the defender and putting the ball higher than the defender can reach.
Footwork, you need to be able to get your footwork right throughout the whole game so that you aren’t giving the opposition possession of the ball. You need to make sure that you are always on the ball of your feet so that you are ready to turn and change position, this helps with dodging when you are being defended and you are trying to go into a free or open space to receive the ball from a team mate. Looking at my athlete I can see that she has good footwork as her feet are stable and secure in the position that they are in and there was no way she was going to do footwork. This is a strength as if she didn't have good footwork this would mess with her aim as well as in a gaming environment would result in the opposition gaining possession of the ball.
M2- Methodology
We collected of data through video analysis, we set a camera up in the netball sports hall making sure that there was a plain background, and there were no other people in the background that could take the focus off of the athlete we were looking at. I also had to make sure that the athlete was in the shot, and then to make sure they were in the middle we used a meter measuring stick making sure it was centered as well as the athlete, then we have to put little crosses with tape in the places that we needed to be able to see on the athlete such as on the hip, ankle, elbow and shoulder so that these were visible for us to see when we were looking back and analysing the athletes performance. Using these markers was very important especially when we looked at kinovea and we had to be able to see the markers so we could get accurate results when we were measuring the angle of the elbow, having a marker there allowed us to see where the elbow was on the recording. If we didn't have the markers there it would be difficult to see where the elbow was or began meaning the results would be as accurate. Once we had this data we analysed it on Kinovea this took us through a slow motion step by step of our video analysis and allowed us to analyse the video in sections getting a clear understanding of the movement happening. To reduce error we used marking which we put all over the client, this made sure that she was in the correct position and her stance as well as body position were correct and in the view of the camera. The markers were put on her shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle and her side, this means that we were able to identify all these parts of her body easily when we watched the video back. To reduce error we also made sure that the background was plain and that there were no people in the background as well as no distractions that could reduce the attention of the athlete. We made sure that we didn’t record the performance once but we recorded it a couple of times so that we were then happy with the recording and we could clearly see the movement happening.
Putting markers on the performer allowed us to reduce error as we were able to clearly see what we were looking at when watching the athlete perform her movement. As well as this it was important that she was stood in the correct stance and her body was in the correct position because this means that she was comfortable with the way she was stood as well as we could see her full body and there was no unwanted errors involved within the video. With the background being plain this reduced error as there was nothing in the background that could take our attention off of the athlete performing her movement as well as this it was important that there were no other athletes or people in the recording as this could confuse us as well as the analysing technology we use Kinovea, as there would be multiple people that we could be watching and we could be confused about who were watching. Recording it multiple times means that we were able to delete the bad recordings and keep the good ones, this means that we got a good and clear recording of the athlete performing her movement which we were able to successfully analyze.

Parallax Error and Perspective Error
Parallax Error is when a direction or the position of the same object differentiates when you look at in different positions, meaning that you get a different reading when you look at it at different angles. Perspective Error this is when the correct height, width, depth and position is right when it comes to looking at three-dimensional objects and/or a two-dimensional surface. Parallax error and perspective error were both reduced reduced as we used a meter stick to make sure that the athlete and camera were both centered as well as this we made sure that the athlete was completely in the shot so that the recording was accurate. As well as this when taking the recoding we made sure that the background was plain so there were no other distractions and the focus was mainly on the athlete we were analysing. With this we also had to make sure that the camera was angled the same way as the athlete this meant that the perspective was the same. The reason why we reduced both parallax error and perspective error is because if these both weren't reduce it would then have increased the inaccuracy of the performance as well as the invalidity as your view of the performer would be different, and you needed to make sure that the whole of the athlete was in the shot.


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