Friday, 4 March 2016

P2-M1-D1, Notational Analysis on Pamela Cookey as Goal Attack Performance in the England vs. South Africa Europe Open Championships.
The scores each round were;

England vs. South Africa 

Pamela only played 3 out of 4 of those quarters due to her being subbed off. As well as collecting all this notational analysis I was also able to jot down that she conceded six interceptions as well as made one contact on her opposing player, giving South Africa possession of the ball as well as holding the ball for longer than three seconds as she hesitated her shot. Putting both her successful and unsuccessful shots together all together through out the 45 minutes she was playing she made 33 attempted shots, of which 28 were successful. This means that 85% of her shots were successful, 89% of her catches were successful, 84% of her passes were successful and 71% of her rebounds were unsuccessful.

I can see that Pamela has a lot of strengths such as her passes, catches and shots, as she made very little unsuccessful ones. However looking at her rebounds I didn't see such a great performance as she managed to concede 4 out of a possible 14, those 10 rebounds that she didn't manage to get resulted in the opposing team gaining possession of the ball and putting them up a point. As most of these shot were due to the goal shooter missing Pamela should positioned herself under the goal ready to receive this ball if there was a rebound an most of the time she was never there but instead was walking back to her starting position and she just assumed that the goal shooter would get it in. When the rebound was due to her missing the shot you saw that sometimes she never tried for the rebound she just let the tall goal shooter go for it but then other time she did try to get the rebound but she was never tall enough, as she is one of the shorter players which already puts her at a disadvantage when it comes to conceding the rebound, which is unlucky for Pamela.
Research states that passing is an important skills to practice and learn as if you had poor passing skills this could cause your team to lose. Practicing passing and catching is important as you don't want to drop the ball and for it to then be in possession of the opposition. As well as this it is said that poor passing could lead to a lot of frustration from the other players within your team, if they see a team mate playing bad then this could also affect their performance in a negative way.
Shooting is very important for goal shooters and goal attacks as the goals that these positions score are what could lead to you and your team winning the match. Every time they come to take the shot it is vital that they learn to manage the pressure that is put on them as this could affect the accuracy of the shot and could lead to them missing.
Getting the rebound and following your shot is an important aspect in both the shooters performance as this is what allows them to have another shot if they miss as well as keep possession of the ball. If they follow their shot and not allow the other team to get the ball this means that they are likely to score the next goal and it prevents the opposition from scoring a goal. If you weren't to get the rebound this would lead the opposition to get the ball and potentially score the goal, putting you one goal down.
I then saw that she made some silly mistakes such as dropping the ball, most of these dropped balls happened in the first quarter but she gradually got better and the number of unsuccessful catches decreased. However due to these dropped balls South Africa were able to take possession of the ball and this lead to a goal. Most of her unsuccessful passes and catches were due to her going too fast and not taking her time even though she had 3 seconds as soon as she got the ball she would release it, as most of the time this would work it was okay but some of the time it didn't and it made her performance slack. She did concede 6 interceptions though and this was a very good performance as she isn't a defender and you never really see attackers making interceptions to battle through and make interception thus gaining possession of the ball there was a lift in her performance. Some of these interceptions did lead to turn over as she was too fast and it either lead to someone doing footwork or Pamela rushing with the ball and making an unsuccessful pass so this was a shame and if the scores were closer this could've affected the team performance as well as score and could've potentially ended up in England losing. 

P2- Notational Analysis on Pamela Cookey as Goal Attack Performance in the England vs. Silver Ferns Common Wealth Games 2014


For this game the scores each round were;

England vs. Silver Ferns

Pamela only played 2 out of 4 of those quarters due to her being subbed off by another shooter this is the reason to why her stats aren't as high as they should be. Also whilst I was collecting this notational analysis I also noticed she conceded 2 intercepti
ons then failed on gaining possession of 2 rebounds but then she managed to make no footwork or contact as well as never broke the 3 second rule. When we look at her successful and unsuccessful shots we see that in 30 minutes she made 10 attempted shots, of which 8 were successful. This means that 80% of her shots were successful, 100% of her passes were successful and then 100% of her rebounds were unsuccessful.
In this performance I can see that Pamela's strengths include her passing and catching and this in turn is very good as these are very important skills to have whilst playing netball. One of her weaknesses included rebounds as she never really went in for them but instead let the other team gain possession of the ball and this was a bad idea as we can clearly see it lead to them wining, maybe this contributed to the goals they got as looking at the Silver Ferns performance I managed to see that the goal shooter barely ever missed a shot or a rebound so she was basically able to get a goal every time she touched the ball. However during this game she didn't make any contacts or footwork as well as she didn't break the 3 second rule and instead she made 2 interceptions which then lead to England gaining possession of the ball and shooting so this benefitted the team and their performance.

Comparing the Games

These games are quite similar but we do see some changes. I can see these changes being in the Silver Ferns match, as she did only play for 2 quarters the stats are lower than they should be and than the game against South Africa as she player 3 quarters in that match. However we do see the same strengths and weaknesses, such as in both game she made more successful passes and catches than unsuccessful and the same with the number of successful shots as well as this she conceded more unsuccessful rebound than successful. But looking at these matches we can see a change over time, as one game was in 2014 and one was in 2015 this gave Pamela as well as England more time to practise and work as a team, this then resulted in them playing better against South Africa than they played against the Silver Ferns. I also managed to look at the passes and catches and catches made during each match and during the first one you can see that she made double the catches in 3 quarters than she did in 2, she then almost made triple the catches and shots, this shows that in the game against South Africa she was more involved as her performance has developed and this in turn could've developed her confidence and all around performance.

"Believe in yourself. You want to have confidence in your ability to make the shot every time you shoot. Confident shooters control their thoughts, feelings, and shooting skill". With Pamela being and a shooter and looking at all her strength such as catching, passing and shooting these are all important for both the athlete and the team as they could affect both of their performances in a negative way if they are done incorrectly. Looking at the quote I understand that Pamela needs the confidence and motivation to complete a shot if she was to miss shots and to keep missing shot this would lead to the team not scoring as much as they need to and at the professional level Pamela and the team is at this shouldn't be happening, this would therefore demotivate them as they know they aren't going to win and they know they aren't performing to their best, impacting their performance in a negative way. With Pamela missing shots this would then motivate the opposition and cause them to play a lot better as they are potentially going to win they would then end up over shining England and playing a lot better than them. If Pamela kept missing shots this is how her motivation as well as performance would decrease because she would doubt herself when it came to shooting the next time round, as well as this the team would struggle as they are trying their best to get the ball into the circle and if Pamela keeps missing and the opposition get the ball they are then having to work harder to get the ball back. Shooting is arguable the most important aspect of the game as you don't want it to end in 0-0.

If any of the players were to drop the ball this would then lead to the ball being in possession of the other team if they were to pick it up as well as if Pamela was to drop the ball then pick it back up this would mean that she has replayed the ball and the other team would then gain possession. Not catching the ball would decrease the athletes performance because she is making silly and rookie mistakes that shouldn't be made at her level of play as catchign and passing are the aspects at which you learn at an early stage and if she isn't able to do these then she may doubt her performance and her ability to play netball, and could potentially affect her shooting as she is begin to doubt everything that she is doing. If the opposition team are better at catching then they are less likely to make any of these errors, this means that their performance will be a lot better than England's. "A team that can pass effectively will not only get into better positions during a match but will also expend far less energy in doing so". Passing is important to practice because you need to make sure that the passes are powerful and accurate as well as that you are able to use a wide variety of passes, if they aren't powerful enough this would then result in the other team gaining possession of the ball as well as this if its not accurate it will end up going to the player you want it to and could land in the hands of the opposition. Looking at the quote it is stating that different variety of passes can help save energy, rather than always doing chest passes where you have to remain close to one another you can use long passes such as shoulder passes or over head passes, these go a lot further and you don't have to be as close to one another, as well as this the quote explain the important of the accuracy of the pass, if the pass is accurate the game as well as the athlete is able to move a lot faster as the ball is being placed in front of them and they aren't having t move out of their way or to make any risky catches whilst moving to get the ball.  If the team had better passing techniques than England this would then open up a lot of opportunities for them as they will be able to do a wide variety of different passes as well as more accurate and powerful passes making it harder for England to intercept the ball.
"More rebounds means more opportunities for your team to score and less opportunities for your opponents". The only area for improvement is rebounding and looking at the quote makes you realize how important rebounding is and why she needs to improve it and why she needs to follow her shot so that the opposition aren't able to gain possession of the ball as well as she can have another chance to shoot the ball, increasing the amount of goal she scores. As she didn't get the rebound much because she chose not to follow her shot this decrease her goal percentage as well as made her look like she wasn't putting a lot of effort in, even though she was, she just never went for the rebound. This then lead in the other team getting it into their goal third and scoring the goal, putting England a goal down and therefore decreasing the teams as well as Pamela's motivation as they were losing. If the other team were able to collect more rebounds in the attacking area this would then give them the opportunity to gain more goals as this would then give them the opportunity to shoot again and score the goal, as well as this if they knew they were winning their motivation would increase, whilst England decreasing eventually over powering England.

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